When it comes to buying hearing aids online, Amazon has been selling hearing devices for years. Before the FDA made the new ruling regarding OTC hearing aids, these hearing devices being sold on Amazon were primarily personal sound amplification products (PSAPs), or hearing amplifiers. PSAPs are electronic devices that are not intended to compensate for hearing loss and they have no sound quality or device regulations from the FDA.
What is the difference between a PSAP and an OTC hearing aid?
The only similarity between PSAPs and OTC hearing aids is that neither one of them requires a hearing exam or consultation with a hearing professional to purchase. With the FDAs ruling on the new category of OTC hearing aids in October 2022, the standards or requirements for over-the-counter hearing aids being sold directly to consumers (without the need for professional help) were put into law. If the device is marketed as a hearing aid, meant to compensate for a mild to moderate hearing loss, it must meet these regulations required by the FDA.
The best hearing aids on Amazon
I’ve included a breakdown of the features of each device, my pros and cons, as well as the customization ability of the device. The reason the customization, or personalization, of the hearing aid is important is because not everyone’s hearing needs and preferences for sound are the same, so the ability to customize (or fine-tune) the fitting (amplification) of the hearing aid at different frequencies and for different situations is critical. With prescription hearing aids, this is done by the hearing healthcare professional, but with OTC hearing aids this is done by the user.
The customization of the device needs to be easy to understand. It helps if there is support for making these adjustments to suit your hearing needs, which is why I offer a virtual hearing aid consultation service here. Please reach out for help if you are having difficulty understanding how to adjust your OTC hearing aid.
Be careful what you buy
I made this list to help you feel confident about which hearing aids you should consider buying on Amazon and which to avoid. Before Buying hearing aids on Amazon, here are some things to look for:
- Does the company selling the hearing aid have a website with customer support?
- What is the return policy?
- Do you recognize the brand?
- Does it work with the smartphone you have (if it has bluetooth)?
The introduction of OTC hearing aids gives consumers direct access to higher quality products, but it makes online purchasing of hearing aids even more confusing than before. PSAPs are still out there and legally they should not be marketed as a hearing aid or a device that compensates for any degree of hearing loss. Unfortunately they still are, especially on Amazon. Amazon was made aware of this problem by ConsumerAffairs and said they will be cracking down on sellers who are are trying to position their products as hearing aids when they are not following the FDA regulations for OTC hearing aids.
The following list are popular hearing devices being sold on Amazon that are not registered with the FDA:
- Audien ATOM
- EarCentric EasyCharge
- Autiphon UO Series
- Hsklock hearing aids
It is definitely not a bad thing to purchase OTC hearing aids on Amazon, but consumers must proceed with caution. If the product looks questionable or is priced so low to be “too good to be true” then it probably is. My goal here is to present you with the best OTC hearing aids on Amazon so that you can feel confident in your hearing aid purchase.
The pros of buying hearing aids on Amazon
You have likely bought something from Amazon before due to their fast and free shipping and free returns on most items. So, should you buy your hearing aids from Amazon? I would say “Why not?”. The pros of buying hearing aids on Amazon include:
- Fast and free shipping on most items
- Free returns within 30 days
- Unbiased reviews
- The ability to ask questions and see the answers to previously asked questions
The cons of buying hearing aids on Amazon
The hardest thing about buying hearing aids on Amazon is that there are so many options available. But, that is why I created this guide, so you can rest assured you are actually purchasing a hearing aid (not just an amplifier). The other reasons I would consider not buying hearing aids on Amazon include:
- Some OTC hearing aid websites offer payment plans for their devices when purchased directly
- The return policy may extend beyond 30 days (45 or 60 days) when purchased directly through the manufacturers website. Although I’ve been told that if you are past Amazon’s 30 day return policy and contact the manufacturer, the extended return time will be honored.
When it comes to finding and choosing a hearing aid on Amazon, I have done the work and research for you. You don’t have to comb through the thousands of devices on Amazon, use this guide to see the best hearing aids on Amazon.
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